01.Here we have built a traditional 'break fronted' shelving and storage unit for a living room in a period property. This will have a hand painted finish and some traditional knob type handles fitted.
04.We have designed this piece specifically to incorporate our client's art display as well as book shelving. Just ask to find out what we can do for you! Shown here in a white satin spray lacquer finish.
06.This storage and bookcase cleverly incorporates a drinks cabinet and glasses. The corner shelves at the end avoid seeing a large cabinet side avoiding that bulky feel. Simple but effective!
07.Stylishly designed contemporary shelving with the added design feature of 'brick pattern' effect shelf dividers and open media shelves below. Shown here in a satin white spray lacquered finish.
11.How about this for loft space shelving with a difference. Imagine this unit full of books and display items; it will look even more sensational. We can arrange this kind of shelving to fill any space or room shape and can be in a colour or wood of your choice.
16.A more traditional piece, this bespoke alcove shelving unit will accommodate an audio system and plenty of books! This is in a hand painted white finish.
18.Simplicity at it's best! Three floating shelves which have been custom made and fitted to achieve a seamless effect. Shown here in a hand painted white finish.
[0] => .
[1] => ..
[2] => cabinets-c01-alcove, cabinets, contenpclassic, glassclear, painted, white.jpg
[3] => cabinets-c02-alcove, cabinets, contenporary, fingergroove, floating, painted, white.jpg
[4] => cabinets-c03-alcove, cabinets, contenporary, fingergroove, floating, painted, white.jpg
[5] => cabinets-c04-alcove, cabinets, contenporary, floating, painted, white.jpg
[6] => cabinets-c05-cabinets, contenporary, glassopaque, media, painted, sliding, white.jpg
[7] => cabinets-c06-cabinets, contenporary, floating, oak, painted, white, wood.jpg
[8] => cabinets-c07-cabinets, chest, coloured, contenporary, lowlevel, painted.jpg
[9] => cabinets-c08-alcove, cabinets, contenporary, glassopaque, shaker, walnutlight, wood.jpg
[10] => cabinets-c09-cabinets, media, painted, shaker, white.jpg
[11] => cabinets-c10-alcove, cabinets, contenporary, floating, horizontal, walnutdark, walnutlight, wood.jpg
[12] => cabinets-c11-alcove, cabinets, contenporary, fingergroove, horizontal, lowlevel, walnutdark, wood.jpg
[13] => cabinets-c12-cabinets, chest, contenporary, oak, shaker, wood.jpg
[14] => cabinets-c13-alcove, cabinets, chest, contenporary, walnutdark, wood.jpg
[15] => cabinets-c14-cabinets, contenporary, fingergroove, floating, painted, white.jpg
[16] => cabinets-c15-alcove, cabinets, contenporary, fingergroove, floating, painted, white.jpg
[17] => cabinets-c16-alcove, bookcase, cabinets, painted, traditional, white.jpg
[18] => cabinets-c17-cabinets, contenporary, fingergroove, lowlevel, painted, white.jpg
[19] => cabinets-c18-cabinets, chest, contenporary, horizontal, oak, wood.jpg
[20] => cabinets-c19-alcove, cabinets, contenporary, desk, random, walnutdark, wood.jpg
[21] => cabinets-c20-alcove, cabinets, contenporary, painted, shaker, sliding, white.jpg
[22] => cabinets-c21-alcove, cabinets, painted, traditional, white.jpg
[23] => cabinets-c22-alcove, cabinets, contenporary, fingergroove, floating, walnutdark, wood.jpg
[24] => cabinets-c23-alcove, cabinets, media, oak, traditional, wood.jpg
[25] => cabinets-c24-alcove, cabinets, chest, contenporary, oak, shaker, wood.jpg
[26] => cabinets-c25-cabinets, contenporary, fingergroove, floating, lowlevel, painted, white.jpg
[27] => cabinets-c26-alcove, cabinets, contenporary, fingergroove, painted, white.jpg
[28] => cabinets-c27-alcove, bookcase, cabinets, contenporary, fingergroove, wenge, wood.jpg
[29] => cabinets-c28-alcove, cabinets, offwhit, painted, shaker.jpg
[30] => cabinets-c29-alcove, cabinets, contenporary, fingergroove, floating, hinged, walnutlight, wood.jpg
[31] => cabinets-c30-cabinets, contenporary, hinged, lowlevel, oak, walnutlight, wood.jpg
[32] => cabinets-c31-cabinets, contenporary, fingergroove, hinged, lowlevel, painted, white.jpg
[33] => cabinets-c32-cabinets, hinged, painted, shaker, white.jpg
[34] => others-o01-beside, contenporary, others, wenge, wood.jpg
[35] => others-o02-beside, cherry, contenporary, others, wood.jpg
[36] => others-o03-coffeetable, contenporary, others, walnutlight, wood.jpg
[37] => others-o04-coffeetable, contenporary, glassopaque, others, wenge, wood.jpg
[38] => others-o05-contenporary, others, wenge, wood.jpg
[39] => others-o06-contenporary, others, radiatorcover, walnutdark, wood.jpg
[40] => others-o07-coloured, commission, hinged, mirror, others, painted.jpg
[41] => others-o08-coloured, contenporary, glassclear, others, painted, sidetable.jpg
[42] => others-o09-coloured, contenporary, others, sidetable, wood.jpg
[43] => others-o10-contenporary, hinged, others, painted, pushlatche, white.jpg
[44] => others-o11-coffeetable, commission, contenporary, glassclear, others, walnutdark, wood.jpg
[45] => others-o12-others, painted, radiatorcover, traditional, white.jpg
[46] => others-o13-bed, contenporary, glasspainted, others, wenge, wood.jpg
[47] => others-o14-others, shaker, walnutdark, wood.jpg
[48] => others-o15-bed, contenporary, others, painted, white.jpg
[49] => others-o16-offwhit, others, painted, radiatorcover, traditional.jpg
[50] => others-o17-chest, commission, contenporary, fingergroove, horizontal, others, wood.jpg
[51] => others-o18-beside, contenporary, hinged, oak, others, shaker, wood.jpg
[52] => others-o19-bed, contenporary, maxcity, naturdesign, others, wengstain, wood.jpg
[53] => others-o20-bed, contenporary, maxcity, naturdesign, others, wenge, wood.jpg
[54] => others-o21-bed, coloured, contenporary, maxcity, naturdesign, others, painted.jpg
[55] => others-o22-contenporary, others, radiatorcover, wenge, wood.jpg
[56] => others-o23-contenporary, others, painted, radiatorcover, white.jpg
[57] => others-o24-cherry, chest, commission, contenporary, fingergroove, others, wood.jpg
[58] => shelving-s01-painted, shelving, traditional, white.jpg
[59] => shelving-s02-contenporary, floating, shelving, walnutdark, wood.jpg
[60] => shelving-s03-maple, media, shaker, shelving, wood.jpg
[61] => shelving-s04-contenporary, painted, shelving, white.jpg
[62] => shelving-s05-alcove, bookcase, pine, shelving, traditional, wood.jpg
[63] => shelving-s06-painted, shaker, shelving, white.jpg
[64] => shelving-s07-alcove, bookcase, contenporary, painted, random, shelving, white.jpg
[65] => shelving-s08-bookcase, contenporary, pushlatche, shelving, wenge, wood.jpg
[66] => shelving-s09-alcove, contenporary, fingergroove, floating, horizontal, media, shelving, walnutdark, wood.jpg
[67] => shelving-s10-contenporary, floating, shelving, walnutdark, wood.jpg
[68] => shelving-s11-contenporary, loft, painted, random, shelving, white.jpg
[69] => shelving-s12-bookcase, contenporary, shelving, wenge, wood.jpg
[70] => shelving-s13-alcove, contenporary, media, shelving, walnutdark, wood.jpg
[71] => shelving-s14-contenpclassic, painted, shelving, white.jpg
[72] => shelving-s15-contenporary, random, shelving, walnutdark, wood.jpg
[73] => shelving-s16-alcove, bookcase, painted, shelving, traditional, white.jpg
[74] => shelving-s17-contenporary, externaldrawer, fingergroove, loft, media, oak, shelving, wood.jpg
[75] => shelving-s18-contenporary, floating, painted, shelving, white.jpg
[76] => shelving-s19-contenporary, media, oak, pushlatche, shelving, wood.jpg
[77] => shelving-s20-alcove, contenporary, oak, shelving, wood.jpg
[78] => shelving-s21-contenporary, fingergroove, media, shelving, wengstain, wood.jpg
[79] => shelving-s22-bookcase, oak, shelving, wood.jpg
[80] => shelving-s23-contenporary, hinged, oak, random, shelving, wood.jpg
[81] => shelving-s24-bookcase, contenporary, fingergroove, hinged, shelving, walnutdark, wood.jpg
[82] => shelving-s25-coloured, contenporary, fingergroove, media, oak, painted, shelving, wood.jpg
[83] => shelving-s26-bookcase, contenporary, glassopaque, hinged, media, offwhit, painted, shelving.jpg
[84] => shelving-s27-contenporary, fingergroove, media, shelving, sliding, walnutlight, wood.jpg
[85] => shelving-s28-bookcase, contenporary, media, shelving, walnutdark, wood.jpg
[86] => shelving-s29-coloured, contenporary, painted, random, shelving.jpg
[87] => study-t01-contenporary, oak, painted, studies, white, wood.jpg
[88] => study-t02-contenporary, desk, oak, studies, wood.jpg
[89] => study-t03-contenporary, glassopaque, studies, walnutlight, wood.jpg
[90] => study-t04-desk, shaker, studies, walnutdark, wood.jpg
[91] => study-t05-contenporary, desk, fingergroove, studies, walnutdark, wood.jpg
[92] => study-t06-contenporary, desk, fingergroove, studies, wenge, wood.jpg
[93] => study-t07-contenporary, desk, glassclear, studies, wenge, wood.jpg
[94] => study-t08-contenporary, floating, hinged, oak, painted, pushlatche, studies, white, wood.jpg
[95] => study-t09-contenporary, desk, floating, maple, studies, wood.jpg
[96] => study-t10-contenporary, file, glassopaque, random, studies, walnutdark, wood.jpg
[97] => study-t11-desk, studies, walnutdark, wood.jpg
[98] => study-t12-contenporary, oak, shaker, studies, wood.jpg
[99] => study-t13-contenporary, file, studies, walnutlight, wood.jpg
[100] => study-t14-corner, desk, painted, studies, white.jpg
[101] => study-t15-contenporary, corner, desk, oak, studies, wood.jpg
[102] => study-t16-contenporary, corner, desk, hinged, oak, shaker, studies, wood.jpg
[103] => study-t17-contenporary, corner, desk, offwhit, painted, studies, walnutdark, wood.jpg
[104] => sxtudy-t01-contenporary, mahagony, studies, wood.jpg
[105] => sxtudy-t02-contenporary, desk, oak, studies, wood.jpg
[106] => sxtudy-t09-contenporary, desk, mahagony, painted, studies, white, wood.jpg
[107] => sxtudy-t10-contenporary, desk, studies, wenge, wood.jpg
[108] => sxtudy-t20-hinged, oak, shaker, studies, wood.jpg
[109] => wardrobe-w01-contenporary, externaldrawer, glassopaque, hinged, media, oak, open shelves, wardrobes, wood.jpg
[110] => wardrobe-w02-cherry, contenporary, hinged, pushlatche, wardrobes, wood.jpg
[111] => wardrobe-w03-contenpclassic, hinged, painted, wardrobes, white.jpg
[112] => wardrobe-w04-glassopaque, hinged, shaker, walnutdark, wardrobes, wood.jpg
[113] => wardrobe-w05-cherry, glassopaque, sliding, wardrobes, wood.jpg
[114] => wardrobe-w06-contenpclassic, hinged, painted, wardrobes, white.jpg
[115] => wardrobe-w07-glassopaque, hinged, shaker, walnutdark, walnutlight, wardrobes, wood.jpg
[116] => wardrobe-w08-coloured, contenporary, hinged, loft, painted, wardrobes.jpg
[117] => wardrobe-w09-coloured, contenporary, hinged, painted, wardrobes.jpg
[118] => wardrobe-w10-contenporary, externaldrawer, hinged, offwhit, open shelves, painted, wardrobes.jpg
[119] => wardrobe-w11-glassopaque, hinged, loft, oak, shaker, wardrobes, wood.jpg
[120] => wardrobe-w12-contenporary, glasspainted, sliding, walnutlight, wardrobes, wood.jpg
[121] => wardrobe-w13-contenporary, glassopaque, hinged, loft, offwhit, painted, shaker, wardrobes.jpg
[122] => wardrobe-w14-contenporary, hinged, painted, shaker, wardrobes, white.jpg
[123] => wardrobe-w15-contenporary, hinged, walnutdark, wardrobes, wood.jpg
[124] => wardrobe-w16-contenporary, hinged, painted, shaker, wardrobes, white.jpg
[125] => wardrobe-w17-contenpclassic, hinged, painted, wardrobes, white.jpg
[126] => wardrobe-w18-contenporary, corner, hinged, offwhit, painted, wardrobes.jpg
[127] => wardrobe-w19-hinged, painted, shaker, wardrobes, white.jpg
[128] => wardrobe-w20-contenporary, hinged, offwhit, painted, wardrobes.jpg
[129] => wardrobe-w21-contenporary, hinged, wardrobes, wengstain, wood.jpg
[130] => wardrobe-w22-contenporary, corner, glassopaque, hinged, shaker, walnutdark, wardrobes, wood.jpg
[131] => wardrobe-w23-externaldrawer, glassopaque, hinged, loft, oak, traditional, wardrobes, wood.jpg
[132] => wardrobe-w24-contenporary, glassopaque, hinged, shaker, walnutlight, wardrobes, wood.jpg
[133] => wardrobe-w25-contenporary, glassopaque, sliding, walnutlight, wardrobes, wood.jpg
[134] => wardrobe-w26-contenpclassic, corner, hinged, painted, wardrobes, white.jpg
[135] => wardrobe-w27-contenporary, hinged, loft, painted, wardrobes, white.jpg
[136] => wardrobe-w28-oak, shaker, wardrobes, wood.jpg
[137] => wardrobe-w29-externaldrawer, fingergroove, hinged, painted, wardrobes, white.jpg
[138] => wardrobe-w30-glassopaque, hinged, oak, shaker, wardrobes, wood.jpg
[139] => wardrobe-w31-contenporary, hinged, painted, wardrobes, white.jpg
[140] => wardrobe-w32-glasspainted, hinged, shaker, walnutdark, wardrobes, wood.jpg
[141] => wardrobe-w33-glassopaque, sliding, wardrobes, wengstain, wood.jpg
[142] => wardrobe-w34-contenporary, glassopaque, hinged, wardrobes, wengstain, wood.jpg
[143] => wardrobe-w35-alu, contenporary, corner, glassopaque, sliding, walkin, walnutdark, wardrobes, wood.jpg
[144] => wardrobe-w36-contenporary, walkin, walnutdark, wardrobes, wood.jpg
[145] => wardrobe-w37-contenporary, desk, externaldrawer, hinged, oak, open shelves, painted, shaker, wardrobes, white, wood.jpg
[146] => wardrobe-w38-alu, contenporary, leather, painted, sliding, wardrobes, white.jpg
[147] => wardrobe-w39-glassopaque, hinged, loft, shaker, walnutlight, wardrobes, wood.jpg
[148] => wardrobe-w40-contenporary, corner, hinged, painted, wardrobes, white.jpg
[149] => wardrobe-w41-contenporary, externaldrawer, hinged, media, offwhit, painted, wardrobes.jpg
[150] => wardrobe-w42-contenporary, hinged, painted, wardrobes, white.jpg
[151] => wardrobe-w43-contenporary, glassopaque, hinged, oak, wardrobes, wood.jpg
[152] => wardrobe-w44-contenporary, externaldrawer, glassopaque, hinged, media, oak, shaker, wardrobes, wood.jpg
[153] => wardrobe-w45-contenporary, hinged, horizontal, oak, wardrobes, wood.jpg
[154] => wardrobe-w46-contenporary, glassopaque, hinged, walnutdark, wardrobes, wood.jpg
[155] => wardrobe-w47-contenpclassic, externaldrawer, hinged, painted, wardrobes, white.jpg
[156] => wardrobe-w48-contenpclassic, desk, hinged, painted, shaker, wardrobes, white.jpg
[157] => wardrobe-w49-contenporary, hinged, offwhit, painted, wardrobes.jpg
[158] => wardrobe-w50-contenporary, hinged, offwhit, painted, wardrobes.jpg
[159] => wardrobe-w51-contenpclassic, hinged, shaker, walnutdark, wardrobes, wood.jpg
[160] => wardrobe-w52-contenporary, hinged, loft, wardrobes, wenge, wood.jpg
[161] => wardrobe-w53-contenpclassic, hinged, painted, wardrobes, white.jpg
[162] => wardrobe-w54-contenporary, externaldrawer, hinged, painted, wardrobes, white.jpg
[163] => wardrobe-w55-contenporary, mirror, painted, sliding, wardrobes, white.jpg