01.This is one of our most popular designs for a master bedroom, with the TV, glass display shelving and integrated chest of drawers centred in the run of doors to keep the symmetry and avoid the cupboards feeling too bulky. The use of opaque glass and lighting also helps to lighten the room. This style is also great if being built over a chimney breast.
10.Master bedroom - wardrobe in a contemporary design. The design allows for a small flat screen TV and glass display shelving with an integrated halogen light. Doors are lockable at our client's request.
23.Traditional style break fronted wardrobe and built in chest of drawers from solid oak with custom made solid oak handles. A true statement of craftsmanship and a complementary feature within this period style master bedroom in Wimbledon.
29.This minimalist basement family room storage cupboards and integrated media system is a great option if you like having everything hidden away but with plenty of deep drawers, toys and games etc can be easily accessed and most importantly easily put away again!
37.This is a great example of a teenagers bedroom layout which encompasses an all round combination of clothes hanging and shelving neatly hidden behind doors with a built in chest of drawers and open shelving for books and ornaments, as well as a practical desk to work at during those revision periods, artwork, hobbies or computer games. The colour combinations are - frame in beech effect melamine and doors in a cream paint lacquer finish.
41.Another great example of modern/minimalist living with the large flat screen neatly integrated within the wardrobe. The custom made curved door allows the light from the window to drift along the beautifully satin lacquered surface of the cupboard exterior.
44.Oak and opaque glass --- a fantastic combination to give a contemporary feel without becoming too modern. Integrated drawers and TV space in the centre add to the symmetrical design as well as luxury of being able to watch TV in bed whilst having all your clothes neatly tucked away behind soft closing doors.
47.Contemporary/classic style large master bedroom wardrobe custom built to maximize all the available room space. Interior includes pull down hanging rails, pull our shoe shelving, tie rails and integrated auto lighting. (Handles yet to be fitted)
[0] => .
[1] => ..
[2] => cabinets-c01-alcove, cabinets, contenpclassic, glassclear, painted, white.jpg
[3] => cabinets-c02-alcove, cabinets, contenporary, fingergroove, floating, painted, white.jpg
[4] => cabinets-c03-alcove, cabinets, contenporary, fingergroove, floating, painted, white.jpg
[5] => cabinets-c04-alcove, cabinets, contenporary, floating, painted, white.jpg
[6] => cabinets-c05-cabinets, contenporary, glassopaque, media, painted, sliding, white.jpg
[7] => cabinets-c06-cabinets, contenporary, floating, oak, painted, white, wood.jpg
[8] => cabinets-c07-cabinets, chest, coloured, contenporary, lowlevel, painted.jpg
[9] => cabinets-c08-alcove, cabinets, contenporary, glassopaque, shaker, walnutlight, wood.jpg
[10] => cabinets-c09-cabinets, media, painted, shaker, white.jpg
[11] => cabinets-c10-alcove, cabinets, contenporary, floating, horizontal, walnutdark, walnutlight, wood.jpg
[12] => cabinets-c11-alcove, cabinets, contenporary, fingergroove, horizontal, lowlevel, walnutdark, wood.jpg
[13] => cabinets-c12-cabinets, chest, contenporary, oak, shaker, wood.jpg
[14] => cabinets-c13-alcove, cabinets, chest, contenporary, walnutdark, wood.jpg
[15] => cabinets-c14-cabinets, contenporary, fingergroove, floating, painted, white.jpg
[16] => cabinets-c15-alcove, cabinets, contenporary, fingergroove, floating, painted, white.jpg
[17] => cabinets-c16-alcove, bookcase, cabinets, painted, traditional, white.jpg
[18] => cabinets-c17-cabinets, contenporary, fingergroove, lowlevel, painted, white.jpg
[19] => cabinets-c18-cabinets, chest, contenporary, horizontal, oak, wood.jpg
[20] => cabinets-c19-alcove, cabinets, contenporary, desk, random, walnutdark, wood.jpg
[21] => cabinets-c20-alcove, cabinets, contenporary, painted, shaker, sliding, white.jpg
[22] => cabinets-c21-alcove, cabinets, painted, traditional, white.jpg
[23] => cabinets-c22-alcove, cabinets, contenporary, fingergroove, floating, walnutdark, wood.jpg
[24] => cabinets-c23-alcove, cabinets, media, oak, traditional, wood.jpg
[25] => cabinets-c24-alcove, cabinets, chest, contenporary, oak, shaker, wood.jpg
[26] => cabinets-c25-cabinets, contenporary, fingergroove, floating, lowlevel, painted, white.jpg
[27] => cabinets-c26-alcove, cabinets, contenporary, fingergroove, painted, white.jpg
[28] => cabinets-c27-alcove, bookcase, cabinets, contenporary, fingergroove, wenge, wood.jpg
[29] => cabinets-c28-alcove, cabinets, offwhit, painted, shaker.jpg
[30] => cabinets-c29-alcove, cabinets, contenporary, fingergroove, floating, hinged, walnutlight, wood.jpg
[31] => cabinets-c30-cabinets, contenporary, hinged, lowlevel, oak, walnutlight, wood.jpg
[32] => cabinets-c31-cabinets, contenporary, fingergroove, hinged, lowlevel, painted, white.jpg
[33] => cabinets-c32-cabinets, hinged, painted, shaker, white.jpg
[34] => others-o01-beside, contenporary, others, wenge, wood.jpg
[35] => others-o02-beside, cherry, contenporary, others, wood.jpg
[36] => others-o03-coffeetable, contenporary, others, walnutlight, wood.jpg
[37] => others-o04-coffeetable, contenporary, glassopaque, others, wenge, wood.jpg
[38] => others-o05-contenporary, others, wenge, wood.jpg
[39] => others-o06-contenporary, others, radiatorcover, walnutdark, wood.jpg
[40] => others-o07-coloured, commission, hinged, mirror, others, painted.jpg
[41] => others-o08-coloured, contenporary, glassclear, others, painted, sidetable.jpg
[42] => others-o09-coloured, contenporary, others, sidetable, wood.jpg
[43] => others-o10-contenporary, hinged, others, painted, pushlatche, white.jpg
[44] => others-o11-coffeetable, commission, contenporary, glassclear, others, walnutdark, wood.jpg
[45] => others-o12-others, painted, radiatorcover, traditional, white.jpg
[46] => others-o13-bed, contenporary, glasspainted, others, wenge, wood.jpg
[47] => others-o14-others, shaker, walnutdark, wood.jpg
[48] => others-o15-bed, contenporary, others, painted, white.jpg
[49] => others-o16-offwhit, others, painted, radiatorcover, traditional.jpg
[50] => others-o17-chest, commission, contenporary, fingergroove, horizontal, others, wood.jpg
[51] => others-o18-beside, contenporary, hinged, oak, others, shaker, wood.jpg
[52] => others-o19-bed, contenporary, maxcity, naturdesign, others, wengstain, wood.jpg
[53] => others-o20-bed, contenporary, maxcity, naturdesign, others, wenge, wood.jpg
[54] => others-o21-bed, coloured, contenporary, maxcity, naturdesign, others, painted.jpg
[55] => others-o22-contenporary, others, radiatorcover, wenge, wood.jpg
[56] => others-o23-contenporary, others, painted, radiatorcover, white.jpg
[57] => others-o24-cherry, chest, commission, contenporary, fingergroove, others, wood.jpg
[58] => shelving-s01-painted, shelving, traditional, white.jpg
[59] => shelving-s02-contenporary, floating, shelving, walnutdark, wood.jpg
[60] => shelving-s03-maple, media, shaker, shelving, wood.jpg
[61] => shelving-s04-contenporary, painted, shelving, white.jpg
[62] => shelving-s05-alcove, bookcase, pine, shelving, traditional, wood.jpg
[63] => shelving-s06-painted, shaker, shelving, white.jpg
[64] => shelving-s07-alcove, bookcase, contenporary, painted, random, shelving, white.jpg
[65] => shelving-s08-bookcase, contenporary, pushlatche, shelving, wenge, wood.jpg
[66] => shelving-s09-alcove, contenporary, fingergroove, floating, horizontal, media, shelving, walnutdark, wood.jpg
[67] => shelving-s10-contenporary, floating, shelving, walnutdark, wood.jpg
[68] => shelving-s11-contenporary, loft, painted, random, shelving, white.jpg
[69] => shelving-s12-bookcase, contenporary, shelving, wenge, wood.jpg
[70] => shelving-s13-alcove, contenporary, media, shelving, walnutdark, wood.jpg
[71] => shelving-s14-contenpclassic, painted, shelving, white.jpg
[72] => shelving-s15-contenporary, random, shelving, walnutdark, wood.jpg
[73] => shelving-s16-alcove, bookcase, painted, shelving, traditional, white.jpg
[74] => shelving-s17-contenporary, externaldrawer, fingergroove, loft, media, oak, shelving, wood.jpg
[75] => shelving-s18-contenporary, floating, painted, shelving, white.jpg
[76] => shelving-s19-contenporary, media, oak, pushlatche, shelving, wood.jpg
[77] => shelving-s20-alcove, contenporary, oak, shelving, wood.jpg
[78] => shelving-s21-contenporary, fingergroove, media, shelving, wengstain, wood.jpg
[79] => shelving-s22-bookcase, oak, shelving, wood.jpg
[80] => shelving-s23-contenporary, hinged, oak, random, shelving, wood.jpg
[81] => shelving-s24-bookcase, contenporary, fingergroove, hinged, shelving, walnutdark, wood.jpg
[82] => shelving-s25-coloured, contenporary, fingergroove, media, oak, painted, shelving, wood.jpg
[83] => shelving-s26-bookcase, contenporary, glassopaque, hinged, media, offwhit, painted, shelving.jpg
[84] => shelving-s27-contenporary, fingergroove, media, shelving, sliding, walnutlight, wood.jpg
[85] => shelving-s28-bookcase, contenporary, media, shelving, walnutdark, wood.jpg
[86] => shelving-s29-coloured, contenporary, painted, random, shelving.jpg
[87] => study-t01-contenporary, oak, painted, studies, white, wood.jpg
[88] => study-t02-contenporary, desk, oak, studies, wood.jpg
[89] => study-t03-contenporary, glassopaque, studies, walnutlight, wood.jpg
[90] => study-t04-desk, shaker, studies, walnutdark, wood.jpg
[91] => study-t05-contenporary, desk, fingergroove, studies, walnutdark, wood.jpg
[92] => study-t06-contenporary, desk, fingergroove, studies, wenge, wood.jpg
[93] => study-t07-contenporary, desk, glassclear, studies, wenge, wood.jpg
[94] => study-t08-contenporary, floating, hinged, oak, painted, pushlatche, studies, white, wood.jpg
[95] => study-t09-contenporary, desk, floating, maple, studies, wood.jpg
[96] => study-t10-contenporary, file, glassopaque, random, studies, walnutdark, wood.jpg
[97] => study-t11-desk, studies, walnutdark, wood.jpg
[98] => study-t12-contenporary, oak, shaker, studies, wood.jpg
[99] => study-t13-contenporary, file, studies, walnutlight, wood.jpg
[100] => study-t14-corner, desk, painted, studies, white.jpg
[101] => study-t15-contenporary, corner, desk, oak, studies, wood.jpg
[102] => study-t16-contenporary, corner, desk, hinged, oak, shaker, studies, wood.jpg
[103] => study-t17-contenporary, corner, desk, offwhit, painted, studies, walnutdark, wood.jpg
[104] => sxtudy-t01-contenporary, mahagony, studies, wood.jpg
[105] => sxtudy-t02-contenporary, desk, oak, studies, wood.jpg
[106] => sxtudy-t09-contenporary, desk, mahagony, painted, studies, white, wood.jpg
[107] => sxtudy-t10-contenporary, desk, studies, wenge, wood.jpg
[108] => sxtudy-t20-hinged, oak, shaker, studies, wood.jpg
[109] => wardrobe-w01-contenporary, externaldrawer, glassopaque, hinged, media, oak, open shelves, wardrobes, wood.jpg
[110] => wardrobe-w02-cherry, contenporary, hinged, pushlatche, wardrobes, wood.jpg
[111] => wardrobe-w03-contenpclassic, hinged, painted, wardrobes, white.jpg
[112] => wardrobe-w04-glassopaque, hinged, shaker, walnutdark, wardrobes, wood.jpg
[113] => wardrobe-w05-cherry, glassopaque, sliding, wardrobes, wood.jpg
[114] => wardrobe-w06-contenpclassic, hinged, painted, wardrobes, white.jpg
[115] => wardrobe-w07-glassopaque, hinged, shaker, walnutdark, walnutlight, wardrobes, wood.jpg
[116] => wardrobe-w08-coloured, contenporary, hinged, loft, painted, wardrobes.jpg
[117] => wardrobe-w09-coloured, contenporary, hinged, painted, wardrobes.jpg
[118] => wardrobe-w10-contenporary, externaldrawer, hinged, offwhit, open shelves, painted, wardrobes.jpg
[119] => wardrobe-w11-glassopaque, hinged, loft, oak, shaker, wardrobes, wood.jpg
[120] => wardrobe-w12-contenporary, glasspainted, sliding, walnutlight, wardrobes, wood.jpg
[121] => wardrobe-w13-contenporary, glassopaque, hinged, loft, offwhit, painted, shaker, wardrobes.jpg
[122] => wardrobe-w14-contenporary, hinged, painted, shaker, wardrobes, white.jpg
[123] => wardrobe-w15-contenporary, hinged, walnutdark, wardrobes, wood.jpg
[124] => wardrobe-w16-contenporary, hinged, painted, shaker, wardrobes, white.jpg
[125] => wardrobe-w17-contenpclassic, hinged, painted, wardrobes, white.jpg
[126] => wardrobe-w18-contenporary, corner, hinged, offwhit, painted, wardrobes.jpg
[127] => wardrobe-w19-hinged, painted, shaker, wardrobes, white.jpg
[128] => wardrobe-w20-contenporary, hinged, offwhit, painted, wardrobes.jpg
[129] => wardrobe-w21-contenporary, hinged, wardrobes, wengstain, wood.jpg
[130] => wardrobe-w22-contenporary, corner, glassopaque, hinged, shaker, walnutdark, wardrobes, wood.jpg
[131] => wardrobe-w23-externaldrawer, glassopaque, hinged, loft, oak, traditional, wardrobes, wood.jpg
[132] => wardrobe-w24-contenporary, glassopaque, hinged, shaker, walnutlight, wardrobes, wood.jpg
[133] => wardrobe-w25-contenporary, glassopaque, sliding, walnutlight, wardrobes, wood.jpg
[134] => wardrobe-w26-contenpclassic, corner, hinged, painted, wardrobes, white.jpg
[135] => wardrobe-w27-contenporary, hinged, loft, painted, wardrobes, white.jpg
[136] => wardrobe-w28-oak, shaker, wardrobes, wood.jpg
[137] => wardrobe-w29-externaldrawer, fingergroove, hinged, painted, wardrobes, white.jpg
[138] => wardrobe-w30-glassopaque, hinged, oak, shaker, wardrobes, wood.jpg
[139] => wardrobe-w31-contenporary, hinged, painted, wardrobes, white.jpg
[140] => wardrobe-w32-glasspainted, hinged, shaker, walnutdark, wardrobes, wood.jpg
[141] => wardrobe-w33-glassopaque, sliding, wardrobes, wengstain, wood.jpg
[142] => wardrobe-w34-contenporary, glassopaque, hinged, wardrobes, wengstain, wood.jpg
[143] => wardrobe-w35-alu, contenporary, corner, glassopaque, sliding, walkin, walnutdark, wardrobes, wood.jpg
[144] => wardrobe-w36-contenporary, walkin, walnutdark, wardrobes, wood.jpg
[145] => wardrobe-w37-contenporary, desk, externaldrawer, hinged, oak, open shelves, painted, shaker, wardrobes, white, wood.jpg
[146] => wardrobe-w38-alu, contenporary, leather, painted, sliding, wardrobes, white.jpg
[147] => wardrobe-w39-glassopaque, hinged, loft, shaker, walnutlight, wardrobes, wood.jpg
[148] => wardrobe-w40-contenporary, corner, hinged, painted, wardrobes, white.jpg
[149] => wardrobe-w41-contenporary, externaldrawer, hinged, media, offwhit, painted, wardrobes.jpg
[150] => wardrobe-w42-contenporary, hinged, painted, wardrobes, white.jpg
[151] => wardrobe-w43-contenporary, glassopaque, hinged, oak, wardrobes, wood.jpg
[152] => wardrobe-w44-contenporary, externaldrawer, glassopaque, hinged, media, oak, shaker, wardrobes, wood.jpg
[153] => wardrobe-w45-contenporary, hinged, horizontal, oak, wardrobes, wood.jpg
[154] => wardrobe-w46-contenporary, glassopaque, hinged, walnutdark, wardrobes, wood.jpg
[155] => wardrobe-w47-contenpclassic, externaldrawer, hinged, painted, wardrobes, white.jpg
[156] => wardrobe-w48-contenpclassic, desk, hinged, painted, shaker, wardrobes, white.jpg
[157] => wardrobe-w49-contenporary, hinged, offwhit, painted, wardrobes.jpg
[158] => wardrobe-w50-contenporary, hinged, offwhit, painted, wardrobes.jpg
[159] => wardrobe-w51-contenpclassic, hinged, shaker, walnutdark, wardrobes, wood.jpg
[160] => wardrobe-w52-contenporary, hinged, loft, wardrobes, wenge, wood.jpg
[161] => wardrobe-w53-contenpclassic, hinged, painted, wardrobes, white.jpg
[162] => wardrobe-w54-contenporary, externaldrawer, hinged, painted, wardrobes, white.jpg
[163] => wardrobe-w55-contenporary, mirror, painted, sliding, wardrobes, white.jpg